Find a Local Bus Stop

As can be seen on the map below, the vast majority of the 300,000+ bus stops in the US are near urban and suburban areas, which of course makes sense as that is where the population is the most dense.

However, this greatly hurts those in more rural areas, yet they vote against the very people who wish to bring them more transit and thus financial opportunities due to a wide range of scare tactics which, sadly, do make for good motivators - even if they are not real. Ideally, we would install high speed rail through these areas to quickly move people through these areas and connect them to the larger cities which would bring them more job opportunities, but alas, fear, again, is a great motivator. While trancontinental railways were built (by the exploited Asian Americans) - somewhat ironically, but certainly not surprisingly before and during the civil war.

You can easily see the disparity in the map below.

If this area had 10 more or so large cities it may work better becaue of demand, or we'd have built better rail systems akin to Europe.
A short history of American public transit can be read below.
Public transport in America, reportedly, goes back to 1630 when the first public ferry opened in 1630. Followed by (the first taxi) with ox carts in 1740, steam-powered ferryboats in 1811, the first passenger rainroad in 1830, 1832 had the first streetcar pulled by horses in New York.
First railroad commuter fares in 1832 Boston, Cable car in 1873 San Francisco, 1883 had the first cable-powered line in New York.
The Early 1900s - 1904 to be exact had the first state-run street railway in Bismarck. New York's first subway came about in the same year (1904). 1912 Had, what this site is about, the first public bus in cleveland. 1921 - the first trolleybus line came about in NYC.
1923 in Bay City Michigan, Everett Washington, and, Newburgh New York were the first to replace all streetcars wih buses.
The first monorail (exciting) was built in 1962 in Seattle for the World's Fair.
1973 was the first year that the federal government spent 1 billion dollars towards mass transit. Just 3 years later it became 2 billion. 2 year later (1978) became 3 billion. 3 more years and it became 4 billion.
The ADA Americans with Disabilities Act becomes law in 1990.
Please give the map below a moment to load all the national bus stop locations. it may take a minute due to the large number of stops, over 300,000 :)

To view all bus stops throughout give the map below a moment to load - it can take a minute sometimes due to just how many locations there are. You can then zoom into an area to see more.